Yawkyawk and Kunmadj Yawkyawk (young woman spirit) and Kunmadj (dilly bag). This 2007 design has been recently re-exposed from the screen print archive. It has not been printed in the studio for many years. Ruth Bindebal is the sister to Abigail Namundja and daughter of Jennifer Wurrkidj. 


Yawkyawk and Kunmadj Yawkyawk (young woman spirit) and Kunmadj (dilly bag). This 2007 design has been recently re-exposed from the screen print archive. It has not been printed in the studio for many years. Ruth Bindebal is the sister to Abigail Namundja and daughter of Jennifer Wurrkidj. 


Kunkurra (Spiral Wind) ‘My designs, they are all alive living up in my head’- Janet Marawarr Janet Marawarr has depicted kunkurra, the spiralling wind associated with several sites in the Kardbam clan. On one level, this design can be interpreted as a depiction of the kinds of mini-cyclones common during Read more…


Yawkyawk and Kunmadj Yawkyawk (young woman spirit) and Kunmadj (dilly bag). This 2007 design has been recently re-exposed from the screen print archive. It has not been printed in the studio for many years. Ruth Bindebal is the sister to Abigail Namundja and daughter of Jennifer Wurrkidj. 


Modjarrkki (crocodile story) ‘This is a true story. My great great grandfather and my father told this story and I tell it to my children. It’s about a freshwater crocodile called Modjarrkki. One day an unmarried man who was camping with his brother and his brothers wife went walking by himself. Read more…


Yokkarra (fish), Ngaduna (palm tree) & Barruar (Seagull egg) ‘Hi it’s me Marilyn! I’m the age of 52. I like working at the women centre and doing lino printing but I prefer screen printing. I have one design, that’s lorrkkon (hollow log). My great grandfather used to make lorrkkon and Read more…


Wak and Wayuk The ‘rarrk’, or abstract crosshatching, on this work represents the design for the crow totem ancestor called Djimarr. Today this being exists in the form of a rock, which is permanently submerged at the bottom of Kurrurldul Creek. The Djimarr rock in the stream at Kurrurldul is Read more…

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