Barnda & Jirrcha (Long -neck turtle and Waterlily) T. Nicky (Dec) depicts the story of Barnda & Jirrcha (Long-Neck Turtle and Waterlily) in this 2 screen design from 2007. On T. Nickys country, there are two types of Barnda, long-neck and short-neck turtles. Jirrcha is cooked on ashes, which creates the bulb of Read more…


Barnda & Jirrcha (Long -neck turtle and Waterlily) T. Nicky (Dec) depicts the story of Barnda & Jirrcha (Long-Neck Turtle and Waterlily) in this 2 screen design from 2007. On T. Nickys country, there are two types of Barnda, long-neck and short-neck turtles. Jirrcha is cooked on ashes, which creates the bulb of Read more…


Kukurlk Kare (Going Underground) Karrinung kukurlk kare, karrijare manme (we are going underground looking for food). “This is my country. In this painting, I’m looking at her little bit different way. This is what we see when we’re kukurlk kare (going underground) Man-kurndalh (Black plum) I call mother. It is Read more…


Au-gujechiya (fishtrap) A detailed linocut design portraying a large Au-gujechiya (fishtrap) with rajarra (barramundi) and other fish. Elizabeth is from the Burrarra language group and her homeland is Gupanga, Arnhem Land.  This print shows her fine lino cut technique and meticulous printing style. A beautiful bright aqua ink on white Read more…


Marebu Marebu (pandanus mat) Artists usually use kundayarr, pandanus spiralis, to weave decorative round or oblong mats, as well as the less common triangular and conical shapes. Weaving is physically hard work, now done only by women. They colour the pandanus using natural dyes made from the roots, leaves or Read more…


Ngaldadmurrng (Saratoga) This design tells the story of Saratoga dreaming,  a freshwater fish that swims on the edge of creeks and rivers. This design is the Saratoga dreaming from the Mularra songline. Where the Saratoga we call Murdulngu, Danguny travelled from Malmyangarnak billabong to Mirrigatja. This Billabong was owned by Read more…


Rrugurrgurda (Mud Crab) This design tells the story of Elizabeth’s homeland – a dreaming place, a good dreaming place with plentiful mud crabs. Elizabeth’s homeland lies east of Maningrida, at the mouth of Blyth river. This country is known for a large spiritual mud crab, which lives in the area. Read more…

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