Murnun (Dugong) Dugong can be found in the waters around Maningrida They are a protected species but do form part of a traditional manme (bushfood) diet for some saltwater communities. A two tone print on a bright blue cotton linen blend. 


Eiffel tower and the Maladj spirit “I want to tell you about my design, that Eiffel tower one. This year it was my first time going to Paris. I didn’t know that place, nothing. We travelled around the world to get there, we flew underneath the world in an aeroplane. Read more…


Eiffel tower and the Maladj spirit “I want to tell you about my design, that Eiffel tower one. This year it was my first time going to Paris. I didn’t know that place, nothing. We travelled around the world to get there, we flew underneath the world in an aeroplane. Read more…


Bawaliba and Ngalyod (Rainbow Serpent) ‘My Kikka (mother), when she was alive, she would tell me these stories. I was just a  little girl and she would tell us the stories in her language Gurrgoni. In the camps there were boy and girl Bawaliba, and old Bawaliba too. They loved Read more…


Man-mobban (Billygoat Plum) Susan has depicted the leaves of the man-mobban (billygoat plum tree,  Terminalia carpentariae). Its small green plums can be found in abundance on Susan’s homeland, Mumeka. This is a print from our archive and was designed by Susan in 2010. There are some blemishes and minor errors in the print Read more…


Kunkurra (Spiral Wind) ‘My designs, they are all alive living up in my head’- Janet Marawarr Janet Marawarr has depicted kunkurra, the spiralling wind associated with several sites in the Kardbam clan. On one level, this design can be interpreted as a depiction of the kinds of mini-cyclones common during Read more…


Manwak (Mumeka blooms) Manwak grows near Mumeka creek, on the artist’s homeland. This beautiful large flower blooms during the mandjelk (wet season). It has deep green petals with a central red kernel which swells to the size of a berry. It is known for its long, sweeping petals which seem Read more…

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