Mabbúlarr – Murnun Featuring murnun (dugong) and yokkara (fish) This new 2022 design by Josephine is part two of her Mabbúlarr collection.  Mabbúlarr is the Ndjébbana word describing calm and stillness – both regarding people and the ocean. Printed by hand at Injalak Art Centre 2022 using cotton poplin (sarong weight). Read more…


Ngalkunburriyaymi (Mermaid) – Jay Rostron Ngalkunburriyaymi  Kuninjku people call mermaids yawkyawk, but in my language, Kune, we call them Ngalkunburriyaymi (pronounced Ngaal gun borro yay mee). The Ngalkunburriyaymi depicted in my artworks is from a place called Marra-yii (sp?).  There are too many Ngalkunburriyaymi living at this place.  They are always there and have been there Read more…


Mandjabu Kuninjku people traditionally make two sorts of conical fish traps. One is called mandjabu and is made from a strong, durable vine called milil, and a smaller one is called manylik mandjabu, and made from the grass manylik. The mandjabuconical fish trap is bigger and stronger and used in tidal reaches Read more…


Yokkarra (fish), Ngaduna (palm tree) & Barruar (Seagull egg) ‘Hi it’s me Marilyn! I’m the age of 52. I like working at the women centre and doing lino printing but I prefer screen printing. I have one design, that’s lorrkkon (hollow log). My great grandfather used to make lorrkkon and Read more…


Ngalyod Ngalyod (Rainbow serpent) Rainbow spirit coming from billabong. Rainbow serpent dreaming.  Coming from billabong, that place we call billabong where that ngalyod (rainbow serpent) lives. All that wayuk (waterlily), all them kundalk (grass) and pandanus, making skirt. That’s the story now. – Jennifer Wurrkidj  Rainbow serpent, daughter of the Read more…


Mardarda and Njarlarla (Bones and Fire Sticks) Designed 2019 In Esther’s first screen design, she depicts the story of Mardarda (bones) and Njarlarla (fire sticks) carried in a dilly bag, reminiscent of traditional ways of the Ndjebenna people. ‘Back in the old days, our people would use a ‘bush lighter’ Read more…


Dabuno (Brolga Eggs) Emily’s first design depicting Dabuno (Brolga Eggs). Emily is the younger sister of renowned Maningrida artists, Jennifer Wurrkidj and Deborah Wurrkidj. This fun design is an all over repeat or spot design that can be used for fashion or soft furnishing projects.


Ngaldadmurrng (Saratoga) This design tells the story of Saratoga dreaming,  a freshwater fish that swims on the edge of creeks and rivers. This design is the Saratoga dreaming from the Mularra songline. Where the Saratoga we call Murdulngu, Danguny travelled from Malmyangarnak billabong to Mirrigatja. This Billabong was owned by Read more…

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