Palm tree on my country – Belinda Kernan This fabric was created using the linocut printing technique. The lino tile has been carved by the artist in Maningrida, and has been printed by hand using a variety of colours and layers. The linocut technique ensures each textile piece is a Read more…


Collecting Manme (Bush Food) ‘All that jungle around Mumeka, on the other side of the river.. that’s where we go looking for manme (bush food) like manyawok (cheeky yam) and karrbarda (long yam). The yawk yawk (young woman spirit) is holding a kunkaninj (digging stick), kun-madj (dilly bag) and all Read more…


Gungura – hand made dress Janet Marawarr has depicted kunkurra, the spiralling wind associated with several sites in the Kardbam clan. On one level, this design can be interpreted as a depiction of the kinds of mini-cyclones common during the wet season in Arnhem Land, where the artist lives. Kunkurra Read more…


Mardarda and Njarlarla In Esther’s first screen design, she depicts the story of Mardarda (bones) and Njarlarla (fire sticks) carried in a dilly bag, reminiscent of traditional ways of the Ndjebenna people. ‘Back in the old days, our people would use a ‘bush lighter’ for lighting fires, which was two Read more…


Gurrpurdu (Diving Bird) A design by emerging textile designer, Charmaine Pascoe. ‘My Gurrpurdu (diving bird) was white. She flew from Gan Gan to Gapuwiyak and then to Yathalamarra. And then she flew to Gartji. At Gartji two fresh water seaweed shoots, one long and one short were trying to keep Read more…

© the artist / art centre