Kunwardde dja Karrbarda (Rocks and Yam Vine) Susan Marawarr is a Kuninjku artist from the Kurulk clan whose country lies around the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land. In this design, she has depicted karrbarda (long yam) on her traditional country, the kunwardde (stone country). The large stones represent the Read more…


Murnubbarr Karrolkan (Flying Magpie Geese) Murnubbarr (magpie geese) are a waterbird found in abundance in the wetland areas of Kakadu and western Arnhem Land. Murnubbarr are a sustainably hunted and enjoyed manme (bush food). They are known to fly long distances, particularly in the wet season.


Namurre Boko ‘Bini-murreko means two brothers – big brother and little brother. Two brothers were really strong leaders and good hunters, sharing animals with different tribes.With those different tribe there were jealousy going on.Little brother went walkabout and heard the different tribe was talking about his tribe.They said ngarribin manre Read more…

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