Romolo (green frog) and Mududu (Mudcrab) One of Lucy’s latest linocut designs, Romolo, green frog. Lucy is an experienced textile artist at Bábbarra Women’s Centre. Lucy often references her ancestral stories in her textile work, including Bawaliba (Djinkarr spirit woman), with various lino and screen prints depicting this same narrative. Lucy Read more…


Lorrkkon The Lorrkkon or hollow-log coffin ceremony is the final ceremony in a sequence of mortuary rituals celebrated by the people of Arnhem Land. This ceremony might take place many years after the person has died, and involves the placing of the deceased’s bones into a hollow log that is decorated with painted clan Read more…


Gurrpurdu (Diving Bird) A design by emerging textile designer, Charmaine Pascoe. ‘My Gurrpurdu (diving bird) was white. She flew from Gan Gan to Gapuwiyak and then to Yathalamarra. And then she flew to Gartji. At Gartji two fresh water seaweed shoots, one long and one short were trying to keep Read more…

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