Untitled This work portrays an area known intimately to the artist, painted here from memory. During the pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) era one’s survival depended on their intimate knowledge of the location of resources; thus physical elements of Country, such as sources of kapi (water), tali (sandhills), and different varieties Read more…


Tuwa (sandhills) in Puntawarri “I do tuwa (sandhill) in my own style because that’s our Country. That’s a sandhill, that’s the Dreaming- the Jukurrpa. That’s our culture. They stay there and we go through the sandhills at Puntawarri in the car. We go first tuwa, then the second tuwa, looking Read more…


Kumpupirntily (Kumpupintily, Lake Disappointment) “That’s Kumpupirntily- Lake Disappointment. The cannibals live underneath the lake there. It’s a salt lake. That’s all the ladies sitting around the lake, sitting around the claypans in the lake. That’s our Country; mine and Yunkurra’s [Billy Atkins’] Country.” – Judith Anya Samson Kumpupirntily lies within Read more…


Minyipuru (Jakulyukulyu, Seven Sisters) The term Jukurrpa is often translated in English as the ‘dreaming’, or ‘dreamtime’. It refers generally to the period in which the world was created by ancestral beings, who assumed both human and nonhuman forms. These beings shaped what had been a formless landscape; creating waters, Read more…


Nyayartakujarra (Ngayarta Kujarra, Lake Dora) “This painting shows Nyayartakujarra (Lake Dora) and the waterholes. In pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) days we all walked from waterhole to waterhole. We were travelling around for a long time; we were all naked! We grew up walking all around these waterholes. This painting is Read more…


Nyayartakujarra (Ngayarta Kujarra, Lake Dora) “This painting shows Nyayartakujarra (Lake Dora) and the waterholes. In pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) days we all walked from waterhole to waterhole. We were travelling around for a long time; we were all naked! We grew up walking all around these waterholes. This painting is Read more…


Untitled “This is my Country. My little brother was born here in pujiman (traditional, desert-dwelling) times. I was a big girl, no man yet. We were walking a long way.” – Nyanjilpayi (Ngarnjapayi) Nancy Chapman   “When I was born my spirit appeared at Jarntinti. That’s my Country, Jarntinti. I Read more…


Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25) “That’s my jamu (grandfather) and nanna’s Country. I always go on a ranger trip there with my mum, Thelma Judson, and my little baby brothers, Junior and Jamie Rowlands.” – Lynette Rowlands Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25) is a large round jurnu (soak) Read more…

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