Where the wild flowers grow This work portrays an area known to the artist, painted here from memory. During the pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) era one’s survival depended on their intimate knowledge of the location of resources; thus physical elements of Country, such as sources of kapi (water), tali (sandhills), Read more…


Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25) “Bugai always tells about Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25) because she grew up around Wantili. Her family would travel between Wantili, Kaalpa, Juntu-juntu, Raarki, and Wuranu Wells along the Canning Stock Route. She paints around Wantili. She saw whitefellas there for Read more…


Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25) “Bugai always tells about Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25) because she grew up around Wantili. Her family would travel between Wantili, Kaalpa, Juntu-juntu, Raarki, and Wuranu Wells along the Canning Stock Route. She paints around Wantili. She saw whitefellas there for Read more…


Terry Sailor This artwork represents Terry Sailor, an established artist at Martumili and a key Martu leader. The artist, Owen John (OJ) Biljabu is a proud Martu man from the Western Deserts, which range from Newman to Kunawarritji. Traditionally, Martu artists are not known for portraiture, however OJ has chosen Read more…


Shirley Jadai This artwork represents Shirley Jadai, an important Martu leader and established artist at Martumili. The artist, Owen John (OJ) Biljabu is a proud Martu man from the Western Deserts, which range from Newman to Kunawarritji. Traditionally, Martu artists are not known for portraiture, however OJ has chosen to Read more…


Owen John Biljabu This artwork is a self-portrait of artist, Owen John (OJ) Biljabu. Owen is a proud Martu man from the Western Deserts, which range from Newman to Kunawarritji. Traditionally, Martu artists are not known for portraiture, however OJ has chosen to use traditional acrylic painting techniques to depict Read more…


Marlene Anderson This artwork represents Marlene Anderson, an established artist and key artsworker at Martumili. The artist, Owen John (OJ) Biljabu is a proud Martu man from the Western Deserts, which range from Newman to Kunawarritji. Traditionally, Martu artists are not known for portraiture, however OJ has chosen to use Read more…


Ngamaru Bidu This artwork represents Ngamaru Bidu, a senior Martu elder and established artist at Martumili. The artist, Owen John (OJ) Biljabu is a proud Martu man from the Western Deserts, which range from Newman to Kunawarritji. Traditionally, Martu artists are not known for portraiture, however OJ has chosen to use Read more…


Clifton Girgiba This artwork represents Clifton Girgiba, an important Martu leader and established artist at Martumili. The artist, Owen John (OJ) Biljabu is a proud Martu man from the Western Deserts, which range from Newman to Kunawarritji. Traditionally, Martu artists are not known for portraiture, however OJ has chosen to Read more…

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