Luka “Luka is my home, my mummy and grandmother and father’s Country, all the families’ Country. This place is near the same place I was born. There’s pussy cat, dingo and fox all around. That jila (snake) there inside, always water there” – Ngarga Thelma Judson Luka is a yinta (permanent waterhole) Read more…


Flower After the Rain “Flower after the rain, you know- a mix. Blue, pink, yellow and purple- grow up with the grass after the rain. You can see anywhere when the burnt ground grows after the rain. [On] old nyamu (my grandfather’s) burnt Country.” – Ngarga Thelma Judson

   In this work Thelma Read more…


Kulyakartu “My Country, Kulyakartu. I grew up there, from little boy to big boy grew up there.”  – Muuki Taylor This painting depicts Kulyakartu, Muuki’s ngurra (home Country, camp). Kulyakartu is located in the far north of the Martu homelands, near the Percival Lakes region of Western Australia’s Great Sandy Desert. Read more…

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